Rational behind this change is that displayWidth and displayHeight are
X specific API calls in kwinglobals. For the future it's easier to only
rely on functionality which goes through the EffectsHandler API which
allows easier adjustments in KWin core.
displayWidth() and displayHeight() are only used to get the size or the
complete rect of all screens. This is also provided by:
effects->virtualScreenGeometry() or
REVIEW: 116021
Screens provides a size which is constructed from the size of
the bounding geometry of all screens and provides an overload taking
an int to return the size of a specified screen. For geometry() a new
ovload is added without an argument, which is just a convenient wrapper
for QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size()).
Both new methods are exported to effects and scripting as new
properties there called virtualScreenSize and virtualScreenGeometry.
The (virtual) size gets cached in screens and is updated whenever the
count or geometry changes.
Construction of Screens is slightly changed by moving the init code
from ctor into a virtual method init(). Reason is that we ended in
a loop with accessing the singleton pointer before it was set.
REVIEW: 116114
By setting the X property _KDE_NET_WM_SKIP_CLOSE_ANIMATION to 1 a window
can request to be excluded from any close animation. This property is
read in Toplevel, so that it is available to both Client and Unmanaged.
If the window has this property set the Scene suppresses the paintWindow
loop of the Deleted. Thus no effect needs to be adjusted. But an effect
using drawWindow directly would still be able to render the Deleted as
there is no suppression.
Furthermore the property is passed to the EffectWindow so that an
Effect can make use of this functionality and not start the animation
in the first place.
REVIEW: 115288
* this effect is way cheaper than blur, don't cache it
* use its own atom
* also pass the matrix in the x property
* remove remnants of the cache
* do just a single pass
* get rid of config ui remnants
Effects can access the QPainter used by SceneQPainter to directly render
into the back buffer.
Obviously only available in Compositing Type QPainterCompositing.
This compositor uses only the QPainter API to perform rendering. The
window's X Pixmap is mapped to a QImage using XShm. As rendering backend
a QImage is used.
The new compositing type "QPainterCompositing" is introduced. Effects
need to be adjusted to explicitly check the compositing type and no
longer assume the compositing type is XRender if it's not OpenGL.
This compositor can be selected with using "Q" as the value for
KWIN_COMPOSE env variable or setting the config value to "QPainter".
The GUI is not yet adjusted to select this compositor.
The QPainter scene provides currently the following features:
* 2D transformations (translation and scalation)
* opacity modifications
* rendering of decorations (new PaintRedirector sub class)
* rendering of shadows
* rendering of effect frames
* rendering to a Wayland surface
The following features are currently not provided:
* saturation changes
* brightness changes
* 3D transformations
* rendering to X Overlay window
* offscreen rendering (e.g. needed for screen shot effect)
* custom rendering in the effects to the current back buffer
Completing the task of replacing all NULL to nullptr in all the files in
libkwineffects folder.
(also substituting some "0" used as nullptr with nullptr)
REVIEW: 114823
Client used to have dedicated methods for different icon sizes instead
of combining all pixmaps into one QIcon. This resulted in various parts
of KWin having different access to the icons:
* effects only got one pixmap of size 32x32
* decorations only got the 16x16 and 32x32 pixmaps combined into a QIcon
* tabbox could request all icon sizes, but only as pixmap
Now all sizes are available in one QIcon allowing to easily access the
best fitting icon in a given UI.
Instead we generate an export header for kdeinit_kwin and use it
to declare the KWIN_EXPORT. With this change our libs don't include
any KDE4Support headers any more. One step closer to no KDE4Support.
This is a workaround fo QTBUG-34898 and affects the VirtualBox driver
and SandyBridge Mobile. OpenGL compositing is just not possible and
crashes as soon as there is anything rendered with QtQuick. This change
should be reverted once the Qt bug is fixed.
To nevertheless use OpenGL one can as always use the KWIN_COMPOSE env
variable, though this will result in crashes. An alternative is to set
QT_OPENGL_NO_SANITY_CHECK which forces Qt into using the threaded
rendering. At least for Sandybridge this seems to be a workable solution
as it's only causing flickering in fullscreen and KWin doesn't use any
fullscreen QtQuick elements.
With QtQuick2 it's possible that the scene graph rendering context either
lives in an own thread or uses the main GUI thread. In the latter case
it's the same thread as our compositing OpenGL context lives in. This
means our basic assumption that between two rendering passes the context
stays current does not hold.
The code already ensured that before we start a rendering pass the
context is made current, but there are many more possible cases. If we
use OpenGL in areas not triggered by the rendering loop but in response
to other events the context needs to be made current. This includes the
loading and unloading of effects (some effects use OpenGL in the static
effect check, in the ctor and dtor), background loading of texture data,
lazy loading after first usage invoked by shortcut, etc. etc.
To properly handle these cases new methods are added to EffectsHandler
to make the compositing OpenGL context current. These calls delegate down
into the scene. On non-OpenGL scenes they are noop, but on OpenGL they go
into the backend and make the context current. In addition they ensure
that Qt doesn't think that it's QOpenGLContext is current by calling
doneCurrent() on the QOpenGLContext::currentContext(). This unfortunately
causes an additional call to makeCurrent with a null context, but there
is no other way to tell Qt - it doesn't notice when a different context
is made current with low level API calls. In the multi-threaded
architecture this doesn't matter as ::currentContext() returns null.
A short evaluation showed that a transition to QOpenGLContext doesn't
seem feasible. Qt only supports either GLX or EGL while KWin supports
both and when entering the transition phase for Wayland, it would become
extremely tricky if our native platform is X11, but we want a Wayland
EGL context. A future solution might be to have a "KWin-QPA plugin" which
uses either xcb or Wayland and hides everything from Qt.
The API documentation is extended to describe when the effects-framework
ensures that an OpenGL context is current. The effects are changed to
make the context current in cases where it's not guaranteed. This has
been done by looking for creation or deletion of GLTextures and Shaders.
If there are other OpenGL usages outside the rendering loop, ctor/dtor
this needs to be changed, too.
Instead of looping over every quad for every grid cell and checking
for possible intersections, loop over the quads once and compute
the top left corner of the first intersecting grid cell. Then loop over
all the intersecting cells from that point and create the sub quads.
This new algorithm also preserves the order of the quads in the
original list.
NOBODY should use org.kde.kded5 but instead directly the service
register by its own modulem, but for now let's just switch to .kded5
so we can get this running fast.
Only needs:
* Qt5::DBus for the communication with color correction
* Qt5::X11Extras for access to XCB, pulls in needed Qt5::Gui
* XCB component XCB for xcb calls in kwinglobals.h
It's basically a run of the port-cmake.sh script in here, mostly the changes
are the following:
- Using KF5::* targets
- Using the proper macros, following recent developments in frameworks
As KWin indirectly uses Qt's OpenGL through QtQuick we need to ensure
to not mix OpenGL and OpenGLES. So we have to built KWin only against
OpenGL if Qt is built against OpenGL and we have to built KWin only
against GLESv2 if Qt is built against GLESv2.
This means the kwin_gles binary is no more. There is only kwin which
either links GL or GLESv2.
also work around broken fbo texture clearing on fglrx
so far supports FBO/glClear and resorts to glTexSubImage2D
if the fbo cannot be created or is (in case of fglrx)
known to break, resort to glTexImage2D loading of an
argb array of zeros
BUG: 323065
FIXED-IN: 4.11.2
REVIEW: 112526
Port from kFatal to qFatal - kFatal is still in kde4support,
but lacking debug area support arguably isn't that big a
deal since fatals can't be turned off anyway.