This happens because some distros ship broken installations
of KWin and KWinActive, but could also appear to QML hacking users
BUG: 322830
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 111732
Not correct crossfading
Purpose of the hotfix is to manipulate opacities of the "semi-crossfaded™"
pixmaps so that on a quick animation and sloppy check it looks somehow
believable (instead of bumping the window to full opacity)
REVIEW: 111888
With the fixed KPluginFactory macro, the KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG_* macros
seem to break. I'm looking for a solution to fix up the macro in
kwineffects.h, or otherwise the usage in the plugins.
The problem is that the macros of each plugin export the exact same
class name, which is going to clash.
Until I've found a solution, disable build of the config files, so it's
not too disruptive for others.
Not sure why kdeclarative gets its own subdir, nor why
there is no CMake module to to add it to the include dirs
on find_package, but this matches what plasma-framework
does at the moment.
insufficient since there can be windows/content on top of the
moved window and the labels are painted on top of the scene
BUG: 318390
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 111861
when the option changes, the compositor needs to update
the state as it will later not act (in the disabled case)
and should to reflect the option change.
REVIEW: 111867
BUG: 322633
FIXED-IN: 4.11
1. it apparently is ineffective
2. if it was effective, it's current behavior would be not exactly helpful
(sets __GL_YIELD to NOTHING, causing busy waits on doublebuffer swapping)
3. it does for sure pollute the doublebuffer/usleep detection (setenv is set to override),
ie. the overehad detection code gets a different opinion on __GL_YIELD than libGL
REVIEW: 111858
CCBUG: 322060
It got removed in frameworks recently and it seems like their is no
replacement. Therefore all of them are currently removed. Also there are
no porting guides yet for i18n.
Instead of inspecting the XEvent queue we create a Timer with a
singleshot of 0 msec to move the setActive(false) call to the end of the
event handling. In case there is a matching FocusIn event this will be
handled before the timer fired and can cancel the timer.
Takes a std::function as argument which allows to pass a lambda function
which gets executed for each client/unmanged:
ws->forEachClient([](Client *client) {
the present check can break quick everything depending
on screen snapping settings.
It so far. only worked for quick maximization due to horizontal
"judder" and failed whenever that judder was not possible
(due to screen snapping on left and/or right edge)
BUG: 322852
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 111740
enforce to "e" (cheap) when driver is still unknown after
detection must be assumed to have run, so a sane value is available
when the context is up
BUG: 322355
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 111548
at the same time using MaximizeArea instead MoveArea
movearea allows to pack windows under panels and while
one can expect users of packing to know alt+lmb, we usually
do not allow to loose the titlebar
Moreover this relies on packing against dock windows what
fails with "virtual" struts as input shaping panels
(eg. cairo-dock?) might use (ie. we we would also have packed
against plasma panel shadows - back then ;-)
BUG: 180084
REVIEW: 111603
FIXED-IN: 4.11
We get the missing send event attribute from anding the event's
response type with 0x80.
This fixes the issue that all open windows got unmapped. The reason for
this was that the existing new Client got reparented to the wrapper which
caused the UnmapNotify event which we used to release the Client and by
that unmapping the window completely.