Videos for the following effects are added:
* Dim Inactive
* Dim Screen for Administration Mode
* Invert
* Looking Glass
* Magnifier
* Mouse Click
* Track Mouse
* Zoom
Link for Present Windows video fixed.
Option is hidden (no UI element) because of string freeze
Also removed decoration blend style option.
Background gradient is now always decided based on window flag.
CCBUG: 273423
Used to be the QQuickView implementation for the tabbox. As it's now
controlled through opening windows from QML directly it's no longer
needed or used anywhere.
Needs to implement a dummy switcher item. As the root item of the
switchers are no longer QQuickItem derived it cannot use a QQuickView.
Instead a component gets created and the switcher is just shown on the
primary screen. It's a more appropriate preview now which is not
put into a dialog window.
To make it more realistic (and to be able to dismiss it) the preview
grabs keyboard and mouse and closes itself if escape, return, enter or
space is pressed.
As well clicking outside the preview window closes the preview.
No longer needed in a Plasma2 world as the components have a thumbnail
component, so the hack to go over KWin to render the thumbnails is no
longer needed.
Approved by Aaron on mailinglist:
By not using a QQuickView it becomes possible to just use a
PlasmaCore.Dialog or a Quick.Window in the TabBox qml and thus it's
possible to simplify the qml code.
To support this a new SwitcherItem is introduced and exported to QML.
It's a simple QObject providing all the properties which used to be
exported to the root context. A declarative TabBox is expected to
use one of these items. The C++ side finds the Switcher and for that
supports the case that the SwitcherItem is the rootItem or a child
A declarative TabBox has also to create a QQuickWindow, e.g. a
PlasmaCore.Dialog. The visibility of that window should be controlled
through the visible property on the SwitcherItem. The underlying C++
implementation assumes that a TabBox only uses one window (it needs to
get destroyed once it's hidden and included in highlight windows).
Thanks to this change it's no longer needed to reload the TabBox
whenever it gets shown or the alternative TabBox gets shown. Instead
the same QML script can get reused. Other created switchers are ignored
as the visible property won't be changed to true.
Most effects had a "collection" for one action. We don't need the
action collection, all it was used for is setting the object name.
With the removal of KActionCollection the effects do not need to link
XmlGui any more, though the dependency is still pulled in through