Also fixed a little bug in kcmkwincompositing (dropdowns on the general tab were not updated correctly) and cleaned up the code a bit (removed a few unneeded function calls and stale connects).
See the conversation on the mailing list ("Patch for bug 174769", for further information.
BUG 174769
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=888659
* kwin doesn't seem to have a top level menu display impl anymore; we have a non-working one in playground for plasma, but that hardly counts; since this is breaking things for people upgrading, disable the setting until we get this sorted out properly
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=867480
since the values don't quite map to 4.1 meaning, use new values
and treat old ones as the default (previews for shown windows).
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=866692
(i.e. currently it allows to enable compositing even if self-check fails).
Not recommended of course, and it's be still nice to get self-check work
CCBUG: 170085
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=860196
of Effect::animationTime() for how-to-use.
TODO: Effects need to reload config after doing the change in the kcm.
NOTE: Default TimeLine constructor now creates invalid object, it is
necessary to explicitly call setDuration() in order to ensure all
animations respect this setting.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=854690
and not be slowed down by going through compositing. Turned on and no UI option
in the naive hope that it won't cause any real problems. Maybe effects doing
window previews should get API to suspend unredirect though.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=851742
- the NormalState/IconicState things in ICCCM need to match exactly
the real mapping state, so ensure that, no matter how superfluous that is
- extend the option for having live window previews either for all
windows or for only all shown windows (default)
FEATURE: 163385
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=845772
change with xrandr1.2 and in the worst case those options simply
will degenerate to the trivial one-screen case.
BUG: 142860
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=786319
being v2+ (right now it says just GPL, which according to GPL itself
means any GPL). Decoration clients will come later.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=742302
- remove separator argument from list entry reading/writing functions
- introduce {read,write}XdgListEntry()
- kill readPathListEntry(), add readPathEntry() overload
instead. the default value is not optional any more, as it defines the
return type. this is consistent with the readEntry() functions.
- rename clean() => markAsClean(), remove rollback()
- rename ConfigState => AccessMode, getConfigState() => accessMode()
- rename {entry,group}IsImmutable() => is{Entry,Group}Immutable()
- remove NLS alias to Localized
- remove setGroup() & group()
- reshuffle OpenFlag enum, introduce NoCascade for symmetry
- remove setExtraConfigFiles() alias to addConfigSources()
- inherit KConfigBase::deleteGroup() overloads
- make convertToQVariant() private, it will probably change somehow
- KConfig & KConfigGroup: deprecate entryMap()
- remove bogus declarations: KConfigGroup::setReadDefaults(),
- apidox
- reshuffle the declarations in the headers
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=728852
needed now because friday is the last BC day. The rest of the modules will
follow as fast as my laptop allows.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=721704
This is used to set sane defaults and work around possible driver bugs.
Also, if you have a "whitelisted" driver (nvidia >= 96.39 or intel >= 20061017)
then compositing will be enabled by default for you.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=714004
actually kept mapped, so that they still have the backing pixmap.
Plus some small tricks to prevent such windows from interfering.
Only two basic modes are implemented right now.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=683156
Instead, EffectsHandler itself loads the list of enabled effects (saved by the effects selector widget),
also making use of their EnabledByDefault property, so if you haven't touched the config, you'll
automatically get default effects.
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=669036
Optionally, if SmoothScale is set to 2, trilinear filtering will be attempted instead of bilinear. This requires GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, and valid mipmaps.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=629453
Not used.
merge the kinstance-redesign branch
This directory doesn't exist on my computer :)
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=628706
and making it work even with XRender. I think it shows that
making non-trivial effects for both OpenGL and XRender
would be a) quite possible b) quite pain.
svn path=/branches/work/kwin_composite/; revision=606271
work in the work/kwin_composite branch.
svn merge revs 558154,558180,558236,558243,558258,562201
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/; revision=571776
I couldn't resolve one kicker conflict that results from different
development directions, so I rely on Aaron to sort it out - the file
is commited with conflicts
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/kwin/; revision=439627
works, because I haven't written any kind of docs for it yet, and
the most important button doesn't work yet either (yes, that one that
has it written on it). I just hope the GUI doesn't suck too much, because
I'm really bad at such things.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=322524
workaround, don't make their user timestamp newer than the active window's
one (unless a real user activity takes place in them).
As they are belong to the active application and just fail to say so,
this makes sure they won't prevent that application from getting focus
by having newer timestamp. E.g. Alt+F2, typing URL, kio_uiserver dialog
shows (has workaround), SSL certificate dialog shows (shown by kdesktop),
and it wouldn't get focus, because kio_uiserver's timestamp would be later.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=298357
Qt3.3 capitalizes it (part of my own patch IIRC, hehe :-/), so all
the workarounds for specific apps no longer work -> force resource class
to be always lowercase.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=290521
it in the build.
I think there are some bugs in kwin though. I must investigate now. It seems
to be ignoring the settings and just always using xinerama support
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=207605
not wanting this can disable click raise. Let's see if it breaks something.
(Related to this: kwin/client.cpp r1.309,r1.308,r1.305,r1.304,r1.303.)
TODO: the grab could be released at least as long as the window is topmost
and active
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=196998
clients by adding an unnecessary 'enable-bidi' checkbox which was never agreed
upon on the kwin mailing list.
The use of --reverse is sufficient without needing this checkbox.
Please discuss largish patches like these first, especially during a feature
(Everyone also seems to forget the kwin-styles in kdeartwork)
- Make clients look the same with --reverse instead of the broken state they
were in previously. If the button ordering is not to your liking in reverse
mode, just change the button positions. (Or send patches for those clients
that have not got these features yet).
- Clean up popupMenu handling somewhat.
- Remove a global static object in keramik.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=174079
if it's on, kwin clients will reverse thire display when the desktop is reversed (arabic, hebrew etc).
Clinets updated to use this options, and options.h has a few more lines :)
see clients for the changes.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=173581
Edit kwinrc and use either of:
and then, at a prompt:
dcop kwin KWinInterface reconfigure
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=163755
decoration's colors by calling the reset() cdecl.
- Change the options::reload() slot into a public method, as the slot is no
longer required.
Reviewed by Matthias Elter
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=143232
Just add RollOverDesktops=false to your kwinrc/[Windows] config file and restart your kwin.
Thanks to Carsten Pfeiffer for the suggestion
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=139620
his part of the patch, works fine but there's just the re-check needed to
be added so when the effect for tooltips changes, the deco's tooltips take
this as well. There are no new strings except the Un-Sticky tooltip, all
others are translated. agreed on the strings.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=104585
Meta key.
KGlobalAccel: improve X key ungrabbing for key map changes.
KKeyDialog: Allow caller to specify whether normal keys (i.e., 'A', 'B') can
be used as shortcuts and whether the Meta key can be used in a shortcut.
KeyConfog: Add support for a second default configuration. Add support for a
user with a Meta key not to default to 4-modifier setup (not yet working
Workspace: Added 'Window iconify all'. Still speed work -- best might be to
merge this with 'Show Desktop'
kcontrol/keys/main.cpp: a bit of capitalization
kcontrol/kwm/mouse, kwin/client, kwin/options: Let user use Meta key for
window resizing/moving/etc
*bindings.cpp: add 4-modifier setup defaults
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kcontrol/; revision=100877
init() called after client got loaded
deinit() called when client is about to get unloaded
reset() called once before Options::resetClients() is emitted
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=93372
to make Alt+Tab to go either through all windows or only the ones on the current
desktop. If you get keyboard lock-ups because of this, yell.
I wonder how many bugreports I will be able to close because of this :).
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=87801
"magnetic" style and the new "barrier" style.
To enable the new style insert MagneticBorders=off in your kwinrc.
The gui for the control center will follow the next days.
Anybody a good idea how to call it ?
Two radiobuttons, one "Magnetic borders", the other one "Barrier Borders" ?
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=69692
* Allow users to resize a maximized window by default. Unnecasserily disabling
functions in the UI distracts the user from its main task by introducing additional
cognitive proceses in his short term memory: It's fucking annoying.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=65453
visible dialogs for stays-on-top fullscreen windows (helps with Konqueror's dialogs)
Fixed lock with Alt-Tab box plus accelerator
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=65241
Different focus policies:
<li>ClickToFocus - Clicking into a window activates it. This is
also the default.
<li>FocusFollowsMouse - Moving the mouse pointer actively onto a
normal window activates it. For convenience, the desktop and
windows on the dock are excluded. They require clicking.
<li>FocusUnderMouse - The window that happens to be under the
mouse pointer becomes active. The invariant is: no window can
have focus that is not under the mouse. This also means that
Alt-Tab won't work properly and popup dialogs are usually
unsable with the keyboard. Note that the desktop and windows on
the dock are excluded for convenience. They get focus only when
clicking on it.
<li>FocusStrictlyUnderMouse - this is even worse than
FocusUnderMouse. Only the window under the mouse pointer is
active. If the mouse points nowhere, nothing has the focus. If
the mouse points onto the desktop, the desktop has focus. The
same holds for windows on the dock.
Note that FocusUnderMouse and FocusStrictlyUnderMouse are not
particulary useful. They are only provided for old-fashined
die-hard UNIX people ;-)
FocusPolicy=ClickToFocus | FocusFollowsMouse | FocusUnderMouse | FocusStrictlyUnderMouse
Different Alt-Tab-Styles:
<li> KDE - the recommended KDE style. Alt-Tab opens a nice icon
box that makes it easy to select the window you want to tab
to. The order automatically adjusts to the most recently used
windows. Note that KDE style does not work with the
FocusUnderMouse and FocusStrictlyUnderMouse focus
policies. Choose ClickToFocus or FocusFollowsMouse instead.
<li> CDE - the old-fashion CDE style. Alt-Tab cycles between
the windows in static order. The current window gets raised,
the previous window gets lowered.
AltTabStyle=KDE | CDE
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=54010
Commented out the feature (you didn't think I would reimplement it, did you ?) :)
And took the opportunity of touching for including *.moc in *.cpp
(faster compilation, smaller link lines, less files...)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=52667
now only has one button entry, "ButtonBg", instead of 3. It's up to the client
what to do with it. All the clients are updated except mwm. As the
author noted in his README, mwm isn't Motif window manager at all but KStep ;-)
I disabled it for now until there is new drawing code in there, it would
confuse users anyways since were about to release another Krash and it is
identical to KStep.
Also, I removed the Groove and GrooveText color entries. We now use the
normal TitleBar and Font entries. Hence system will probably look funny until
you adjust the colors since it draws text on the frame and not the titlebar
bg. All the rest look much better by default.
To configure button colors set the active/inactive button background color
in KControl. I'll remove the other entries ASAP. You'll also note that the
active/inactive colors are now actually what you would expect.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=47753
First: All decoration pixmaps are now regenerated when the palette color scheme
changes. There is no longer any need to apply color schemes *before* switching
styles or reload the plugin. The schemes can change any time and be handled
correctly by styles that generate their pixmaps based on the color scheme.
Second: The color scheme has been extended to allow separate entries for
different visual styles. For example there are now entries for both titlebar
rectangle fills like those used in the standard KDE style and KStep vs.
titlebar grooves like those used in System. The same thing applies to
foreground colors for buttons that follow the button background settings like
KStep and System vs. those that don't like the standard style.
Right now none of the color schemes have the new entries so defaults are
calculated, usually by judging the intensity of what the decoration is
drawn on and contrasted with that. To check things out look at the standard,
KStep, and System styles under color schemes like default, CDE, and Digital
The Be style is not updated because I have a cooler one on my HD ;-)
I hope this makes David happier <grin> :)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=39126
Strickly and wanted to implement
focus configurability. Here is the (for now) "politically correct" version.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=37123
compared to smart placement. Whatever. Some people want it
smart placement made smarter (just a bit) and faster (just a bit)
Qt is a marvel. kwin is even better than kwm. KDE is amazing :-) You know
who I am now, even if I don't sign.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=34452
One 'if' gets a bad turn. But commit it 'cause I'm reknown for doing stupid
things with unbacked-up code. Matthias, I managed to reduce all from
175 to 125 lines and from 4740 chars to 3260. This is what you wanted?
Don't worry, kwin compiles and works as before.
If somebody finds a way to teleport my office in some other dimension, I
finish this tomorrow (that is, today + a couple of sleep hours). If not ...
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=34034
started on a fixed system style. If you try it out make sure to read the new
README, as it requires some gradient settings.
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=30585
like I said I would and only working on style stuff ;-)
I added basic color scheme handling to the Options class. All styles should
use this for color values. Supported are titlebars, titleblends, fonts,
button foreground and background, button blend, frames and handles for both
active and inactive states. Also added active and inactive fonts.
Not all clients have to use all the values, but for the values they do use
they should get them from here.
I also ported StdClient and Beos to the new scheme. I will do a kcm module once
I do the System decoration style ;-)
svn path=/trunk/kdebase/kwin/; revision=30497