Scripted effects follow the Plamsoid package structure and the effect
loader recognizes a scripted effect at the according line in the desktop
file. If it is a scripted effect a different loader is used which
instantiates an object of the ScriptedEffect class. This class inherits
the AnimationEffect and exports the animate method and the EffectsHandler.
Property invokes virtual methods returning false by default. Deleted
reimplements the isDeleted and returns true. Client returns true for
isClient. Method is not called isManaged as this is already used
inside Client.
If possible use the property to Toplevel or Client instead of the
pure virtual methods. This makes it easier to get a stable ABI.
Adding new methods to the class no longer requires to add a pure
virtual method.
From a performance point of view this change should not matter.
Most EffectWindow methods are not invoked during the repaint chain.
But only in response to an event like a window got added. There the
overhead does not really matter as well the previous implementation
made strong use of dynamic casts which are also not knwon for being
very fast.
A new QML item "ThumbnailItem" is registered to the TabBox. The
C++ implementation finds the EffectWindow of the TabBox and adds
itself to the EffectWindow.
While rendering the EffectWindow the information for all registered
ThumbnailItems are extracted and the thumbnail is rendered on top
of the EffectWindow.
This has obvious limitations like you cannot put other QML items
on top of the thumbnail. Nevertheless it works well enough to
be a possible replacement for e.g. BoxSwitch effect.
When compositing is disabled an icon is rendered instead of the
One TabBox Layout inspired by BoxSwitch Effect is added. For the
KCM small pre-rendered items are used.
REVIEW: 103039
Each effect is able to declare itself as currently being active,
that is transforming windows or painting or screen or doing anything
during the current rendered frame.
This change eliminates the hottest path inside KWin identified by
REVIEW: 102449
BUG: 262543
pint desktop as background when including desktop in switcher
BUG: 262137
zoom windows as hover/selection indicaton (1/8 of the screen or 105%)
BUG: 215348
CCBUG: 175521
no closer on "show desktop" desktop
show closer immediately but have it disabled for a short time to allow the user realize it
REVIEW: 101318
This commit merges the two signals clientClosed() and unmanagedClosed() to windowClosed() which
is now provided by Toplevel.
The approriate slots in effects.h and effects.cpp were merges as well, since they did the
The direct method calls of the method windowClosed() in SceneOpenGL and SceneXRender were
removed and are now connected to the appropriate signal in windowAdded().
The method windowGeometryShapeChanged() from the class Scene is now a slot. It is now connected to the signal geometryShapeChanged() which is sent from Toplevel instances Client and Unmanaged.
All direct method calls were deleted.
Since the funtionality of TopMenu did no longer work in KDE4 this feature was
removed from Workspace. Every reference to it was removed as well as commentaries
and documentation.
REVIEW: 101485
This has never been implemented properly. There is only the boolean
indicating that the desktop layout is dynamic but it is nowhere set
or used. So better remove it.
First a signal is emitted when the user starts a move/resize operation.
During the move/resize operation each geometry change emits an update signal.
Last but not least a finish signal is emitted.
This eliminates the specific method for geometry updates in drawbound resize
This needs to be improved in core. Currently ClientGroup does not yet
emit signals, as it would be difficult to connect them. Nevertheless
the effects dependency should be removed.
EffectsHandlerImpl just forwards the signals from TabBox. In order
to have a valid pointer to the TabBox, the TabBox is now initialized
before compositing in Workspace.
EffectsHandlerImpl connects to the Workspace signal clientActivated.
The emitting of the signal is slightly moved from before the activation logic
to after the activation logic. This might change behavior in the scripting
component, but the previous code looked wrong.
Client and Unmanaged use a signal to notify that they are about to be closed.
The EffectsHandlerImpl is connected to those signals and emits the appropriate
windowClosed signal to which the effects are connected.
All previously existing windowAdded methods are renamed to slotWindowAdded.
EffectsHandlerImpl is connected to Workspace's clientAdded signal, which is
emitted a little bit earlier than the previous direct method call. This might
change behavior.
Another signal is added to Workspace to signal that an unmanaged is added.