This should be the last of the was split up so it could be
easily reverted/looked at.
The idea is that all of this will improve searching functionality for a
lot of people using System Settings. That's the hope anyways.
In reality it doesn't help much *yet*, because somebody needs to make
the search functionality search for more .desktop files. It currently
only does main ones afik. I don't know if this is a technical
limitation, or just a minor oversight and perhaps something easy to fix.
Hopefully what I've done is towards a good direction though, of
improving search functionality in system settings...
This KCM has been implemented by Tamas Krutk in the scope of
Google Code-In.
It is a simple KCM just listing all available scripts and allowing
to import/export them.
This will be further extended alongside the planned scripting changes
in 4.9.
Replaced by a TabBox layout. The effect is still there as it
can be used for desktop switching (which is not yet ported to layouts)
and as a proxy effect for CoverSwitch.
The users who use BoxSwitch will be migrated to the new layout.
Reduces duplication of settings in different areas and was only
providing a small subset of the possible window switching capabilities.
With BoxSwitch being possible to be rendered as a "normal" window
switcher it does not make much sense anyway.
A new QML item "ThumbnailItem" is registered to the TabBox. The
C++ implementation finds the EffectWindow of the TabBox and adds
itself to the EffectWindow.
While rendering the EffectWindow the information for all registered
ThumbnailItems are extracted and the thumbnail is rendered on top
of the EffectWindow.
This has obvious limitations like you cannot put other QML items
on top of the thumbnail. Nevertheless it works well enough to
be a possible replacement for e.g. BoxSwitch effect.
When compositing is disabled an icon is rendered instead of the
One TabBox Layout inspired by BoxSwitch Effect is added. For the
KCM small pre-rendered items are used.
REVIEW: 103039
All the default layouts (informative, compact, text, small and big icons)
are rewritten in QML and replace the ListView used before. The old code
is still around for the desktop switching modes which are not yet ported.
Next steps include to update the configuration module to not show now
obsoleted settings as well as providing a better way to choose the layout.
REVIEW: 102948