The heuristic checks whether there is something which looks like a
tag before the first line break. So let's use a <br> instead of a \n
for the first line break.
BUG: 315282
FIXED-IN: 5.3.0
REVIEW: 122032
The decoration button configuration interface is merged into the QML
part using two list views (left buttons, right buttons) and a grid
view for all the available buttons.
This brings back the configuration for decoration plugins. As a change
to the old variant the configure button is moved into the list view
together with the preview. It is enabled/disabled depending on data
provided by the DecorationModel. For a plugin the DecorationModel
queries for a boolean "kcmodule" key in the metadata. For a theme it
invokes the slot hasConfiguration with the theme name which returns
whether the theme provides configuration.
The actual opening of the configuration is triggered from the
PreviewBridge, which uses the existing KPluginFactory to load the
KCModule. The decoration plugin must provide the keyword "kcmodule"
for it.
So far Aurorae is adjusted and provides configuration for the Plastik
decoration. The interaction with the configuration module works, but
the configuration itself for Plastik seems to be currently broken.
KNewStuff is no longer hard-coded to Aurorae themes. Instead the
availability of KNewStuff is derived from the available plugin
metadata. If the section org.kde.kdecoration2 contains a key
"KNewStuff" it's value is interpreted as the knsrc config file name.
If there is at least one plugin with such a key KNS gets enabled.
If there are multiple plugins providing KNS support the download
button is turned into a button with a connected menu and each menu
entry points to one of the available resources. Of course this is
not optimal, but KNS doesn't allow the combining of multiple config
* Border Sizes
* Close menu double click
Both are added to the Settings and exposed in the decoration kcm.
As it started to no longer scale the kcm uses a ui file.
Still missing:
* buttons
* custom decoration configuration
* search
Adjust all components to use the QSharedPointer. Aurorae obviously has
to create a QSharedPointer, Shadow holds a QSharedPointer for the
DecorationShadow (advantage: is kept when the Decoration is destroyed),
and the KCM needs to add a property on PreviewItem to get access to the
Shadow. It's no longer a Q_PROPERTY on Decoration and we cannot re-add
it as a dynamic property (cannot be read from QML side).
The build option got introduced for Plasma Active back in a time
when we did not properly aim for convergence. In a Plasma 5 world
we want to have only one shell and one window manager which adjust
itself. This means we don't want a differently compiled kwin for
plasma active, but the same one. Thus the build option doesn't
make much sense any more. A KWin for touch interface needs to support
screenedges for the case that mouse is plugged in.
CCBUG: 340960
REVIEW: 121200
First try to locate all look-and-feel packages and check whether
they provide a WindowSwitcher. If they do they are inserted in
the list with the Package name being the user visible name.
So the good old sidebar is now called "Breeze".
REVIEW: 120914
Following features are supported:
* finds all plugins
** finds all themes for a theme-engine plugin
* renders previews for the plugin/themes
* loads currently used plugin/theme
* saves selected plugin/theme
* triggers config reload in KWin
Following features are currently not supported:
* Search
* Plugin configuration
* Button configuration
Currently just opening the Desktop Effects KCM loads QtMultimedia which
in turn loads gstreamer 0.10. If one opens any other KCM in
systemsettings and changes without applying the change, the window
freezes when the warning dialog gets shown, because the warning message
pulls in Phonon with maybe the Gstreamer backend which uses
gstreamer 1.0. This is bad, bad and breaks everything.
By using a Loader the problem scope gets reduced. It still happens but
only if one actually watches a video. Only opening the KCM doesn't
trigger the problem any more.
REVIEW: 120842
NativeText is translated (ie. matching
ctrl against eg. strg) and the shortcut
must be added to KGlobalAccel to feed
further extrapolations
BUG: 338579
REVIEW: 119949
As we have the split between Effects and Compositor settings nowadays
it's incorrect to have an Compositor related option exposed in the
Effects settings view. Thus the OpenGLErrorView should be removed. As
a nice side-effect that simplifies the main qml file quite a bit by
turning the EffectView from Item into Rectangle.
If it shows that we need the reset GL check in the effects view it would
be better to use a KMessageWidget like in the compositing view.
BUG: 336342
REVIEW: 118790
Introduces partially checked checkboxes for Effects. If an Effect
has an enabled by default function and doesn't have an explicit
value in the config file the checkbox is set to partially. If there
is a value in the config, this will be used.
Clicking on Default will return to the partially checked state.
So far only the built-in effects support the partially checked state
and also the mutual exclusive groups do not support the partial checked
(main reason: RadioButton doesn't support it)
BUG: 336045
REVIEW: 118658
The idea is to warn the user that changing the settings might break
the setup when we know it could be dangerous. The following cases are
* Scale filter Accurate
* Tearing prevention
* keep window thumbnail always
* EGL if EGL and GLX are available
* unredirect fullscreen not working on all hardware
In addition the OpenGL is Unsafe warning is turned int a KMessageWidget
which is also used for all the other warnings.
REVIEW: 118494