KGlobalAccel sets the timestamp as a property and we need to set our
x11Time to it otherwise following keyboard grabs might fail.
Requires 61e2a156678eef033b2629f7c72530dc78d7c3ac in kglobalaccel.
when restacking for shaded windows and uncomposited tabboxes
the group check should not be applied since we know better
eg. to restore a former order
CCBUG: 186206
REVIEW: 122469
Only needed for ScopedCPointer which can be defined in both utils and
Not having utils.h in xcbutils.h makes it easier to have unit tests use
xcbutils.h as it removes the dependencies.
The build option got introduced for Plasma Active back in a time
when we did not properly aim for convergence. In a Plasma 5 world
we want to have only one shell and one window manager which adjust
itself. This means we don't want a differently compiled kwin for
plasma active, but the same one. Thus the build option doesn't
make much sense any more. A KWin for touch interface needs to support
screenedges for the case that mouse is plugged in.
CCBUG: 340960
REVIEW: 121200
Like with WindowSwitcher the configured value might be for the
look and feel package and thus we should first try to locate it
from the look and feel package.
We assume the configured layout name is a look and feel package. Thus
the Switcher is located at contents/windowswitcher/WindowSwitcher.qml
of that package.
REVIEW: 120849
We need to send the event to a QQuickItem which accepts focus. Just
sending it to the Window or to the contentItem doesn't work as there is
no activeFocusItem (might be related to having the keyboard grabbed).
We try to send the event to all children of the Window's content item.
There should hopefully be one item which accepts the event and properly
reacts on cursor keys.
REVIEW: 118471
Both were only added for the use case of Plasma Active. In the next
iteration we won't need the embedded any more as Plasma is able to draw
thumbnails by itself. So there is neither need for the embedded
functionality nor for the D-Bus interface.
REVIEW: 118464
We don't have access to the margins specified in anchors resulting in
incorrect thumbnail position. To fix this we need to create a dummy item
which does the anchoring and the thumbnail needs to just be an
anchors.fill: parent.
REVIEW: 118113
Simplifies the code quite a bit by no longer needing an extra item for
the selected caption.
As a nice side effect it fixes a binding loop.
BUG: 334537
REVIEW: 118112
The hack to get the model data from the currently selected item to the
areas outside the list view apparently broke in Qt. Now we have to export
the model data elements we actually use.
BUG: 334478
REVIEW: 118047
Instead of passing the macro based Predicate to findUnmanaged it now
expects a function which can be passed to std::find_if.
Existing code like:
xcb_window_t window; // our test window
Unmanaged *u = findUnmanaged(WindowMatchPredicated(window));
Unmanaged *u = findUnmanaged([window](const Unmanaged *u) {
return u->window() == window;
In addition an overload is added which takes the window id to cover
the common case to search for an Unmanaged by its ID. The above example
Unmanaged *u = findUnmanaged(window);
The advantage is that it is way more flexible and has the logic what
to check for directly with the code and not hidden in the macro
Forward all key press events to the TabBox if it is currently grabbed and
connect the TabBox to the modifiers changed signal for checking if TabBox
should be ended.
Instead of having it's own QQmlEngine TabBox just uses the newly
exposed engine from Scripting and creates a new context for it's
own usage.
REVIEW: 116565
After changes in PlasmaCore.Dialog we can finally get rid of updating
the position on each visible change.
It's not 100 % perfect yet, seems the binding on screenGeometry is not
working properly. That needs investigation.
Used to be the QQuickView implementation for the tabbox. As it's now
controlled through opening windows from QML directly it's no longer
needed or used anywhere.
No longer needed in a Plasma2 world as the components have a thumbnail
component, so the hack to go over KWin to render the thumbnails is no
longer needed.
Approved by Aaron on mailinglist: