Instead of passing the macro based Predicate to findUnmanaged it now
expects a function which can be passed to std::find_if.
Existing code like:
xcb_window_t window; // our test window
Unmanaged *u = findUnmanaged(WindowMatchPredicated(window));
Unmanaged *u = findUnmanaged([window](const Unmanaged *u) {
return u->window() == window;
In addition an overload is added which takes the window id to cover
the common case to search for an Unmanaged by its ID. The above example
Unmanaged *u = findUnmanaged(window);
The advantage is that it is way more flexible and has the logic what
to check for directly with the code and not hidden in the macro
As can be seen in [1] the patches to KWin were in CVS HEAD before the
protocol got standardized and it never got any adoption. It's neither in
the NETWM spec, nor implemented in Qt4 nor in Qt5. KWin did not even add
the protocol to the NET::Supported property.
Thus it doesn't make much sense to keep a protocol which nobody speaks.
Still the code around the protocol is kept and also the names are kept.
Only difference is that Client::takeActivity got removed and the code
moved to the only calling place in Workspace. Motivated by that change
the enum defined in utils.h is moved into Workspace, it's turned into
a proper QFlags class and used as a type in the method argument instead
of a generic long.
REVIEW: 116922
InputRedirection keeps track of the Toplevel which is currently the one
which should get pointer events. This is determined by checking whether
there is an Unmanaged or a Client at the pointer position. At the moment
this is still slightly incorrect, e.g. pointer grabs are ignored,
unmanaged are not checked whether they are output only and input shapes
are not yet tracked.
The pointer events are delivered to the Toplevel as:
* enter
* leave
* move
* button press
* axis event
Nevertheless move events are still generated in InputRedirection through
xcb test for simplicity. They are still send to the root window, so all
windows get mouse move.
Button press and axis are generated only in the implementations of the
event handlers and delivered directly to the window, so other windows
won't see it.
New inheriting class which uses the InputRedirection to track the cursor
position. It doesn't support warping of cursor.
This introduces a slight dependency loop in the startup. Cursor needs to
be created after the WaylandBackend to ensure that the operation mode is
set correctly. But the WaylandBackend itself is accessing Cursor. It
should be safe as inside the WaylandBackend it's only accessed after
So far this new class is not yet doing much. The WaylandBackend forwards
the received pointer events to this InputRedirection class. From there
signals are emitted to inform internal areas about the changes first.
The events are currently forwarded to X through the xtest extension. This
will be removed in future. Input will be forwarded directly to the
surface which wants it (no matter whether X11 or Wayland).
It's no longer needed as the OpenGLBackend has a direct rendering
detection and the remaining OpenGL2 backend aborts if the backend
uses indirect rendering. Thus the GLPlatform must always have a
direct rendering context.
REVIEW: 116829
KWin already has a de facto OpenGL 2 dependency through QML. Combined
with the fact that the OpenGL 1 backend is basically unmaintained and
also unused, it's better to remove it for the new major release.
This change includes:
* Removal of cmake option KWIN_BUILD_OPENGL_1_COMPOSITING
* Removal of KWIN_HAVE_OPENGL_1 compile option and all code
ifdef'ed with it (partially removal of if-else constructs)
* Removal of CompositingType::OpenGL1Compositing (flags are kept
as a core flag should get introduced)
* Driver recommendation for OpenGL1Compositing changed to XRender
(should be evaluated whether the drivers can provide GL2)
* Removal of configuration option "GLLegacy"
* Removal of fooMatrix function in kwinglutils
* Removal of ARBBlurShader
* Removal of legacy code path in GLVertexBuffer
* Removal of GLShaderManager::disable
* if-blocks with ShaderManager::instance()->isValid() removed
REVIEW: 116042
Scripting has proved it's point of being useful so it's time to turn it
into a mandatory part of KWin.
Also I start to use features provided by Scripting in more and more
parts of KWin core (e.g. sharing QQmlEngine) which makes it in the
long to complicated to have a build option and ifdefs for it.
REVIEW: 116587
Just using KWindowInfo ctor. In one case in appmenu two usages of
KWindowInfo are merged into one KWindowInfo. And in KWindowList a
usage of adding the KWindowInfos into a list got removed.
This enum describes how KWin is operating with the available windowing
systems. By default KWin is using the OperationModeX11, but if the
Wayland backend gets started KWin is using the OperationModeWaylandAndX11
This will be extended in future when XWayland and Wayland only become
viable options.
This compositor uses only the QPainter API to perform rendering. The
window's X Pixmap is mapped to a QImage using XShm. As rendering backend
a QImage is used.
The new compositing type "QPainterCompositing" is introduced. Effects
need to be adjusted to explicitly check the compositing type and no
longer assume the compositing type is XRender if it's not OpenGL.
This compositor can be selected with using "Q" as the value for
KWIN_COMPOSE env variable or setting the config value to "QPainter".
The GUI is not yet adjusted to select this compositor.
The QPainter scene provides currently the following features:
* 2D transformations (translation and scalation)
* opacity modifications
* rendering of decorations (new PaintRedirector sub class)
* rendering of shadows
* rendering of effect frames
* rendering to a Wayland surface
The following features are currently not provided:
* saturation changes
* brightness changes
* 3D transformations
* rendering to X Overlay window
* offscreen rendering (e.g. needed for screen shot effect)
* custom rendering in the effects to the current back buffer
The backend gets created by Workspace, but only if the environment
variable WAYLAND_DISPLAY is set.
Because of that the egl wayland backend does no longer create the
backend, but uses the already created one.
The ActionCollection was only used for two features:
* setting the object name
* finding the action for retrieving it's shortcut
This can also be achieved by just setting the object name and searching
for the children of the Workspace singleton.
This looks mostly like dead code. The change got only emitted by the
KCMKeyboard on save. In ancient times this seems to have caused to
re-read the global shortcuts. Code got commented out during KDE4 times
and after several code refactors all that was left of it was discarding
the user actions menu.
Replaces one usage of KGlobalsettings. It might be a good idea to
move the connect into libkdecoration or into the options as it looks
like there is no need to reconfigure everything just because the fonts
Replaced by KWIN_VERSION_STRING where useful. Support information
no longer contains the SC version number. We have to see whether
there will be a useful framework based platform information.
A factory is supposed to emit this signal whenever the decorations
need to be recrated. The DecorationPlugins inside KWin Core connect
to the signal and recreate the decorations.
This signal is supposed to replace the reset method which encoded
this information in the return value and which is already ignored.
The changed mask is going to be replaced by more specific signals so
we don't need to calculate the change mask in KWin core anymore.
We still need to call reset in the decoration plugin to check whether
a new decoration library needs to be loaded.
There used to be an own action collection in KDE 3 times for the
block global shortcuts shortcut. But the code ws disabled and by
that I didn't see it during removing the global shortcuts blocking.
And it explains why the global shortcut blocking didn't work.
Done in one step as it requires changes which are better suited with a
To not need to parte the QCommandLineParser around the needed arguments
are added to the KWin::Application through setters and the crash count
is available through a static getter/setter pair.
Wrapped in xcbutils.
In addition the check whether another WM is running in main.cpp is
improved by doing a checked request and directly checking for the
error. If there is an error, KWin puts out an error message and
Client::releaseClient() deletes all Client objects
referenced by stacking_order, thus those pointers
dangle and everything trying to touch it died an ugly death.
REVIEW: 112020
BUG: 323383
Using a QTimer to move the resize/move related code to the end of the
event queue. In case there is another motion event in the queue it will
cancel the timer.
* "" needs to be wrapped in QStringLiteral
* QString::fromUtf8 needed for const char* and QByteArray
* QByteArray::constData() needed to get to the const char*
Qt 5 only supports raster which means our pixmaps are always non native,
so we don't need the Extension information any more and can drop all
special code handling for mapping a native QPixmap to an X11 pixmap.
fixing bug by deferring the deletion and removal of the
deleted to the next event cycle had the side effect that
this now happens in the event cycle of the compositor
restart, which was deferred to avoid precisely that...
so the test is now moved to the removal of the deleted
which got an additional flag wasClient to avoid calling
this action for each and every tooltip (and might be usable
BUG: 321537
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 111204
This shortcut did not make any sense to me, because you could block the
global shortcuts for KWin, but not re-enable them again. So once blocked,
it was blocked for ever till kwin --replace &.
This is in opposite to the commit message which introduced it
(see BUG 108961).
REVIEW: 110364
Unfortunately only information available through the factory can be read.
As Factory is not a QObject we cannot use the Q_SLOT trick to get further
information dynamically from the loaded decoration plugin.
REVIEW: 110665
Split out the default and installed colormap from Workspace and put them
into an own class Colormaps.
The method updateColormaps is replaced by a slot update in Colormaps and
activeClientChanged signal is connected to this slot.
At the same time the colormap related code is straight forward ported to
REVIEW: 110248
It's not a typical singleton as the ctor is not taking a Workspace* and
needs addtional data to be passed to NETRootInfo.
All the initialization code is moved to RootInfo::create() and the tear-
down code is moved to RootInfo::destroyed(). This includes the support
window which used to be a member of Workspace. It's only needed by
RootInfo, so there is no need to have the ownership inside Workspace.
Instead of using a QWidget we just create a normal window through xcb.
It gets destroyed again in the tear-down code after the RootInfo got
REVIEW: 110238
Main motivation for this change is that it's unhandy to have the class
definition in workspace.h and client.h while the implementation is in
events.cpp although nothing in events.cpp uses it directly.
By getting it out of workspace.h we get the header a little bit smaller
which should improve compile time given that it's included almost
In events.cpp the enum usage is changed to NETWinInfo as that's the class
where they are defined.
RootInfo does no longer hold a workspace pointer. Where it's needed it
uses the singleton accessor of Workspace.
REVIEW: 110199
Workspace is hardly interacting with Rules and all the Rules related code
is already in rules.cpp. This highly qualifies to move all the code out
of Workspace and improve the names.
REVIEW: 110207
The non-composited part handles the showWithX case with the four small
windows. The composited part shows a translucent QWidget with the
FrameSvg as done by the selection effect frame.
Outline connects to the Compositor toggled signal to switch the mode if
compositing gets suspended/resumed. This works fine also in the case that
the switch happens while the outline is shown. To support this Outline
is now a QObject and created with Workspace as a parent.
Given that the Outline handles both cases by itself, the outline effect
is no longer needed and is dropped together with all the hooks into the
effect system.
Overall all notifications except compositing suspended by DBus were
configured by default to not have any action. This means all the time we
emit a notification we keep DBus and KDED busy for nothing.
All the cases when a notification is triggered ire also exported to
KWin scripting, so if one really needs to handle something in case a
window is moved, it could be done through a KWin script with much more
context about the event.
REVIEW: 110113
BUG: 258097
FIXED-IN: 4.11
Following the approaches of other split out functionality Screens is a
singleton class created by Workspace.
The class takes over the responsibility for:
* screenChanged signal delayed by timer
* number of screens
* geometry of given screen
* active screen
* config option for active screen follows mouse
The class contains a small abstraction layer and has a concrete subclass
wrapping around QDesktopWidget, but the idea is to go more low level and
interact with XRandR directly to get more detailed information.
All over KWin the usage from QDesktopWidget is ported over to the new
Screens class.
REVIEW: 109839
This allows to move the slot to reset the decoration when compositing
got toggled from Workspace to DecorationPlugin and the custom cleanup
is no longer needed.
REVIEW: 109909
The define KWIN_SINGLETON adds to a class definition:
static Foo *create(QObject *parent = 0);
static Foo *self() { return s_self; }
explicit Foo(QObject *parent = 0);
static Foo *s_self;
There is an additional define KWIN_SINGLETON_VARIABLE to set a different
name than s_self.
The define KWIN_SINGLETON_FACTORY can be used to generate the create
method. It expands to:
Foo *Foo::s_self = 0;
Foo *Foo::create(QObject *parent)
s_self = new Foo(parent);
return s_self;
In addition there are defines to again set a different variable name and
to create an object of another inheriting class.
All the classes currently using this pattern are adjusted to use these
new defines. In a few places the name was adjusted. E.g. in Compositor
the factory method was called createCompositor instead of create.
REVIEW: 109865
There is only one instance hold by Workspace which means it should follow
the common approach with ::self and ::create.
The hasTabBox is completely removed as it's rather useless and the same
as the ifdef around the usages any way.
REVIEW: 109851
All activities related code moves into new singleton class Activities.
This class gets only included into the build if the build option is
enabled which means there are less ifdefs all over the code and it also
handles better the moc doesn't like ifdef case.
The class holds the list of open and all activites, the current and the
previous activity and the KActivities::Controller. It also emits the
signals for any activities related changes.
Workspace still contains some activities related code. That is the
adjustment on change of current activity. Nevertheless the code looks
much cleaner now and does not contain the confusing naming conflict with
takeActivity() which existed before.
In all the places where Activities got used the code got adjusted and
quite often the ifdef got added with a fallback for the disabled case.
The hack used to be used to hide windows before they get embedded into
another window. This has been wrong on multiple levels:
1. it does not belong into a window manager - the window should take care
of this by itself
2. Window title is not a proper way to identify windows
3. Using D-Bus to inform an X11 window manager about windows which should
not get managed is rather strange
4. The hack only works with KWin, but not with any other X Window Manager
5. Windows identified with this hack still appear in Alt+Tab, that is
they are managed after all. Only a flicker is suppressed
6. Such windows are shown in the taskbar which nicely illustrates how
wrong a D-Bus call to the window manager is
That the hack has been introduced for Java Applets in KHTML also shows
that this is wrong. Why does Gecko and WebKit not need such a hack? Why
is KHTML tied so closely to X11 and KWin? Having a hack for a technology
which is obsoleted (Java Applets) and shouldn't be used due to security
issues is another reason to no longer support this hack. This usage has
been removed from KHTML as of 67939b1 of kdelibs git repo.
REVIEW: 109450
Following the approach to move out of Workspace what doesn't belong into
Workspace Appmenu support goes into an own class.
This also has the advantage of better compilation with Qt 5 as moc seems
to dislike ifdefs in the slot definitions.
REVIEW: 109497
according to NETWM spec implementation notes suggests
"focused windows having state _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN" to be on the highest layer.
We'll also take the screen into account
The user set stacking (being raised) is not considered by the spec note
This behavior is also suggested by an old comment in activation.cpp, void Workspace::setActiveClient()
BUG: 296076
CCBUG: 224600
REVIEW: 109572
FIXED-IN: 4.11
Many headers included KLocale to use i18n and co. But those methods are
defined in KLocalizedString and not in KLocale.
With KF5 klocale.h does no longer include KLocalizedString causing lots
of compile errors.
Where possible it is changed to Cursor::pos(), where we cannot use the
Cursor class (e.g. Aurorae) we can at least try to limit the usage to
prevent roundtrips to the X server.
REVIEW: 109178
With Qt5 QCursor does no longer provide ::handle() which was used to
set a cursor on a native XWindow for which we do not have a QWidget.
Also KWin has had for quite some time an optimized version to get the
cursor position without doing XQueryPointer each time ::pos() is called.
These two features are merged into a new class Cursor providing more or
less the same API as QCursor.
In addition the new class provides a facility to perform mouse polling
replacing the implementations in Compositor and ScreenEdges.
For more information about the new class see the documentation for the
new class in cursor.h.
The new class FocusChain manages two different kind of focus chains.
First of all there is a most recently used focus chain which is primarily
used for TabBox.
Then there is one focus chain per virtual desktop. These chains are used
to determine which Client needs to be activated when e.g. switching to a
virtual desktop.
The individual chains are implemented as a simple QList of Client* with
the most recently used Client as the last element. That way one can see
it as a LIFO like structure.
The desktop focus chains are internally represented as a hash with the id
of the virtual desktop as the key and a list as described as the value.
FocusChain is a singleton which provides some methods to manipulate the
chains and to get a specific Client for a task (e.g. TabBox).
While splitting out the code some unused code inside TabBox got removed
as well as some activities related code (windows cannot be moved while
switching activities).
REVIEW: 107494
Corners are still ours (it's a valid use case to still be able to switch
window through e.g. Present Windows even when running a fullscreen app).
How is it done? An Edge can be blocked and does no longer trigger if it
is blocked. For WindowBasedEdges the edge windows get unmapped in the
blocking case and mapped again when the blocking condition is no longer
The blocking is so far connected to:
* changes of active window
* changes of fullscreen windows
Whenever one of the events occurs it is checked whether there is:
1. an active client
2. it is fullscreen
3. on the same screen as the edge
If this is the case the edge will be blocked, otherwise unblocked.
BUG: 271607
FIXED-IN: 4.11
In fact it already used to be a Singleton as there is just one object
hold by the Singleton Workspace. So let's make it a proper Singleton
following our kind of standard approach of having a ::create factory
method called from Workspace ctor and a ::self to get to the singleton
This rewrite is mostly motivated by the need to handle multi screen
setups correctly. That is have edges per screen and not for the combined
geometry. Also porting from XLib to XCB has been a motivation for the
The design of the new ScreenEdge handling is described in the
documentation of ScreenEdges in screenedge.h.
In addition the following changes have been performed:
* move configuration from Options to ScreenEdge
* add screen edge information to Workspace::supportInformation (obviously
replaces what had been read from Options)
* have Workspace hold a pointer to ScreenEdges instead of an object
* forward declaration of ScreenEdges in workspaces.h, this explains the
seemingly unrelated changes of just another include in some files
BUG: 290887
FIXED-IN: 4.11
Use WindowAttributes and WindowGeometry everywhere where the xcb commands
had already been used.
Introduces another wrapper for overlay window and a subclass for query
tree which also wrapps the children command.
The extension handling is removed from kwinglobals and moved into the
xcbutils in KWin core in namespace KWin::Xcb. The motivation for this
change is that the Extensions are only used in KWin core and are marked
as internal. So there is no need to have them in the library.
What remains in Extensions are the non-native pixmaps. This will be
removed once we are on Qt 5 as QPixmap can no longer reference an XPixmap.
The remaining code in kwinglobals also still initialize the XLib versions
of extensions emitting events. It seems like there are no XEvents emitted
if not done so even if the extension is correctly initialized with xcb.
This needs to be removed once the event handling is ported over to xcb.
REVIEW: 107832
Adds a section about screens to supportInformation containing:
* whether multi-head is used
* in case of multi-head the screen number
* the number of screens
* geometry per screen
That should hopefully end the two often asked questions about the user's
screen setup, especially if they say they use multi-head.
REVIEW: 108363
Main motivation for this change except the fact that it doesn't belong
into Workspace is that the screen edges got updated from within setting
the desktop layout which got removed with the introduction of the
The ScreenEdge now keeps some state to be able to correctly unreserve the
electric borders when changes in the configuration are performed. There
is still room for improvement as there are still some deep function calls
from within reconfiguring in Workspace.
REVIEW: 107493
Most recently used virtual desktop chain is only used in the context of
TabBox and therefore moved into this namespace. KWin uses one desktop
chain for each activity. This is mapped by having multiple DesktopChains.
In addition there is a DesktopChainManager which contains all those
chains which are identified by a QString.
The manager gets connected to the signals emitted by VirtualDesktopManager
for changes in virtual desktops and to signals related to Activities
emitted by Workspace. This means the manager is rather generic as it does
not depend on any other components.
The ownership for virtual desktops is moved from Workspace into a new
VirtualDesktopManager. The manager is responsible for providing the count
of virtual desktops and keeping track of the currently used virtual
All methods related to moving between desktops are also moved from
Workspace to the new manager, though all methods related to Clients on
Virtual Desktops remain in Workspace for the time being. This is to have
the new manager as independent from KWin core as possible.
An rather important change for the handling of virtual desktops is that
the count and the id of a desktop is now an unsinged integer instead of
an integer. The reason for that is that we cannot have a negative count
of desktops as well as it is not possible to be on a desktop with a
negative identifier.
In that regard it is important to remember that a Client can be on a
desktop with a negative identifier. The special value for a Client being
on all desktops is handled by using -1 as a desktop. For the time being
this is not adjusted but instead of comparing the virtual desktop ids one
should prefer to use the convenient methods like isOnDesktop and
isOnAllDesktops. This would allow in future to internally change the
representation for on all desktops.
If a section of comments consists of a list of links and all are broken
it's a sign that nobody has used these comments for a long time...
REVIEW: 107933
OpenGL is properly working if there is a direct rendering context.
If LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT is set VirtualBox falls back to Mesa's software
rasterizer. So in order to get OpenGL the driver is now whitelisted in
the opengltest.
GLPlatform is extended to recognize the VirtualBox driver and has new
methods to report whether it is a virtual machine and VirtualBox. The
detection is rather limited as we don't get access to the underlying
hardware, so we do not know whether the features are really supported.
We need to trust the driver here in announcing the right extensions.
The driver does not provide glxQueryDrawable although it is part of
GLX 1.3. A hack is added in the glxbackend to set the function pointer to
NULL. This can unfortunately not be done in glxResolveFunctions() as
QueryDrawable seems not to be provided by an extension (at least not
listed in the OpenGL registry) and getProcAddress resolves a function but
it only prints an OpenGL Warning to stderr.
As a note: the driver reports that it is using XSHM for
REVIEW: 106821
The main usage of ShaderManager::isValid was to have OpenGL2 specific
code pathes. Now we have an actual OpenGL2Compositing type and we know
that the ShaderManager is valid if we have this compositing type and we
know that it is not valid on OpenGL1Compositing. This gives us a much
better check and allows us to use the isValid method just for where we
want to check whether the shaders compiled successfully.
In addition some effects require OpenGL2, so we do not need to check
again that the ShaderManager is valid. Such usages are removed.
The CompositingType enum turns into flags and two new values are
introduced: OpenGL1Compositing and OpenGL2Compositing.
Those new values are or-ed to OpenGLCompositing so that a simple check
for the flag OpenGLCompositing works in case of one of those two new
values. To make the generic check for OpenGL compositing easier a method
in EffectsHandler is introduced to just check for this.
The scenes now return either OpenGL1Compositing or OpenGL2Compositing
depending on which Scene implementation. None returns OpenGLCompositing.
Two new interfaces are introduced:
* org.kde.kwin.Compositing
* org.kde.kwin.Effects
The Compositing interface is generated from scriptable elements on the
KWin::Compositor class and the Compositor is exported as /Compositor.
It provides the general Compositing related D-Bus methods like whether
the compositor is active and toggling and so on.
The Effects interface is generated from scriptable elements on the
KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl class and the instance is exported as /Effects.
It provides all the effects related D-Bus methods like loading an effect
or the list of all effects.
This removes the need to have all these methods provided on the global
org.kde.KWin interface. For backwards compatibility they are kept, but
no longer provided by the Workspace class. Instead a new DBusInterface
is generated which wrapps the calls and delegates it to one of our three
related Singleton objects:
* Workspace
* Compositor
* EffectsHandlerImpl
The Compositor class actually behaves like a Singleton so it should be
one. Therefore four static methods are added:
* self() to access the Singleton
* createCompositor() to be used by Workspace to create the instance
* isCreated() to have a simple check whether the Singleton is already
* compositing() as a shortcut to test whether the compositor has been
created and is active
The isCreated() check is actually required as especially Clients might
be created and trying to access the Compositor before it is setup.
The refactoring of Compositor starting with b1739c3 caused some
regressions due to variables in Workspace and Compositor not
being initialized. Furthermore there was a boolean logic error
in PaintRedirector causing the decorations not to paint.
BUG: 305875
For most actions where the compositor needs to perform an action
(e.g. scheduling another repaint) signals were already emitted.
So it's easier to just connect the signals to the Compositor
which in turn makes the code much more readable.
All signals are connected from the Workspace when either the
Compositor gets constructed or a Toplevel gets created.
The DBus signal which causes KWin to reinitialize the Compositor
is moved into the Compositor as everything can be handled from
there as well. This comes together with moving the restartKWin
functionality into the Compositor as it is only relevant there.
Restart will only happen if the wrong Qt graphicssystem is used
for the chosen compositing backend.
The Scene has always been created and destroyed inside what is
now the split out compositor. Which means it is actually owned
by the Compositor. The static pointer has never been needed
inside KWin core. Access to the Scene is not required for the
Window Manager. The only real usage is in the EffectsHandlerImpl
and in utils.h to provide a convenient way to figure out whether
compositing is currently active (scene != NULL).
The EffectsHandlerImpl gets also created by the Compositor after
the Scene is created and gets deleted just before the Scene gets
deleted. This allows to inject the Scene into the EffectsHandlerImpl
to resolve the static access in this class.
The convenient way to access the compositing() in utils.h had
to go. To provide the same feature the Compositor provides a
hasScene() access which has the same behavior as the old method.
In order to keep the code changes small in Workspace and Toplevel
a new method compositing() is defined which properly resolves
the state. A disadvantage is that this can no longer be inlined
and consists of several method calls and pointer checks.
All Workspace functions which were implemented in the file composite.cpp
were moved to an own class Compositor. The header entries were moved as well.
All functions calls are updated.
All methods and variables related to the User Actions Menu
(rmb window deco, Alt+F3) is moved out of the Workspace class
into an own UserActionsMenu class.
The class needs only a very small public interface containing
methods to show the menu for a Client, closing the menu and
discarding the menu. Everything else is actually private to the
implementation which is one of the reasons why it makes sense
to split the functionality out of the Workspace class.
As a result the methods and variables have more sane names and
the variable names are standardized.
REVIEW: 106085
BUG: 305832
FIXED-IN: 4.10
New "Move To Screen" menu is shown after the "Move To Desktop"
menu if there are multiple screens and the window can be moved
to another screen. Menu contains one radio button for each
Selecting an entry sends the Client to the selected screen.
BUG: 269207
FIXED-IN: 4.10
REVIEW: 106065
The supportInformation is extended to also read the properties
on all effects. In addition each effect can be queried just for
itself through D-Bus, e.g.:
qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin supportInformationForEffect kwin4_effect_blur
All effects are extended to provide their configured and read
settings through properties. In some cases also important
runtime information is exposed.
REVIEW: 105977
BUG: 305338
FIXED-IN: 4.9.1
As discussed on the mailinglist [1] the tiling support is
removed from KWin. The main reasons for this step are:
* it is unmaintained
* it is a mode not used by any of the core KWin team
* original developer said at Akademy 2012 that he is not
interested in picking up the work again
* tiling has quite some bugs, e.g. multi screen not supported
* is conflicting with other concepts in KWin, e.g. activities
There is ongoing work to get tiling supported through a KWin
script, which is a preferred way as it does not influence the
existing C++ code base.
BUG: 303090
FIXED-IN: 4.10
REVIEW: 105546
New properties for the current activity and the available
activities plus related signals in scripts. Signals added to
BUG: 302060
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
Workspace emits a signal when the initialization finished and
interested parties can connect to this signal to perform post
init actions. That is everything that does not have to be
performed to have a completely working Window Manager.
As an example loading the scripts is moved into this post init
REVIEW: 104580
Options loading is split into three parts:
* reparse configuration
* loading of non-compositing related options
* loading of composited related options not needing CompositingPrefs
At startup the reparsing of configuration is done through a Thread
to gain a little bit of less waiting.
Before something else accesses the KConfig for the first time we
wait for the thread to finish and perform the other two loading
operations of Options.
The settings depending on CompositingPrefs will only be invoked
if a compositor is going to be needed.
REVIEW: 104562
When the Workspace is shutting down the compositor is torn down
before Clients and Unmanaged are released. This means that there
is no need to create the Deleted windows.
Furthermore creating the Deleted manipulates the stacking_order
while Workspace dtor loops over this list to release all clients.
This may cause crashes.
BUG: 282933
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
REVIEW: 104690
Workspace::addDeleted swaps the Client with the Deleted in the
stacking order. For Unmanaged windows the Deleted is appended
to the stacking order which is the same layer.
When the deleted is closed the window is removed from the stacking
The result is that a deleted window is no longer raised above all
other clients.
REVIEW: 104519
BUG: 158262
FIXED-IN: 4.9.0
The common usage of stacking order is to loop through
the list and find a specific Client. All these usages
still need to find a Client. For that the loops are
adjusted to first cast the Toplevel into a Client and
continue if the current item is no Client.
At the moment all entries in the stacking order should
still be Clients as the Deleted are not yet added.