Ownership of decoration textures is moved from SceneOpenGL::Window to
OpenGLPaintRedirector. The PaintRedirector is responsible for updating
the textures whenever they change. For this GLTexture is extended by an
update(QImage, QPoint) method which uses glTexSubImage2D to update only
the changed parts.
The big advantage compared to before is that if e.g. only a button is
animated only the button part is updated instead of the complete deco
PaintRedirector is turned into an abstract class providing a factory
method which returns either an instance of
* OpenGLPaintRedirector
* NativeXRenderPaintRedirector
* RasterXRenderPaintRedirector
OpenGLPaintRedirector is basically doing exactly the same as the parent
class used to do before. Though the idea is to extend the functionality
to have the PaintRedirector write directly into OpenGL textures to limit
copying the complete decorations.
NativeXRenderPaintRedirector is similar to OpenGLPaintRedirector by
rendering into a QPixmap and providing the pictureHandle for the QPixmap
to SceneXRender.
RasterXRenderPaintRedirector is providing the functionality for the case
that the QPixmap/XPixmap relationship is not present. From the QPixmap
containing the pending decoration paint a QImage is created and then the
relevent parts are copied directly into the decoration pixmap.
REVIEW: 109074
Many headers included KLocale to use i18n and co. But those methods are
defined in KLocalizedString and not in KLocale.
With KF5 klocale.h does no longer include KLocalizedString causing lots
of compile errors.
either by
- forcing fullrepaints unconditionally
- turning a repaint to a full one beyond a threshhold
- completing the the backbuffer from the frontbuffer after the paint
BUG: 307965
FIXED-IN: 4.10
REVIEW: 107198
When correcting a color that was with premultiplied alpha, the alpha
value was not multiplied back again as a final step. This was breaking
color correction when the blend function was GL_ONE,
GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA. The blend function was changed for normal
windows (a workaround), but not for effect frames, i.e. the effect
frames were broken with color correction enabled.
Removes the blend function workaround.
Removes a useless setupForOutput.
BUG: 311319
REVIEW: 108189
Checks are now performed for GL errors and in case of errors everything
is aborted. The error handling mechanism introduced for this purpose
somewhat improves the color correction code.
Fix gl invalid operation in color correction, when first setting up the
lookup texture uniform.
REVIEW: 107754
If a section of comments consists of a list of links and all are broken
it's a sign that nobody has used these comments for a long time...
REVIEW: 107933
Let's assume a user knows what she is doing when she selects kwin_gles
instead of kwin. Also in gles there is no fallback to OpenGL 1 possible
so blocking is not the proper solution in the first place.
BUG: 311712
FIXED-IN: 4.10 RC 2
REVIEW: 107824
In case that one of the checks in SceneOpenGL failed the ctor of the
sub-class continued and set init_ok to true although it should have been
set to false.
Now init_ok starts with true and if a check fails it is set to false.
For 4.11 we should consider using an exception here - variables to check
that init code works are just no proper solution.
REVIEW: 107420
Add an option to kcmcompositing in the 'Advanced' tab, to enable or
disable color correction. It is specified that it's experimental and it
needs Kolor Manager.
Before painting for a particular screen, ColorCorrection::setupForOutput
should be called.
A screen property is added for WindowPaintData.
In kwinglutils, The fragment shaders are intercepted before being
compiled and they get a couple of lines of code inserted in order to do
the color correction. This happens only when color correction is enabled, of
For D-Bus communication with KolorServer, everything is async.
The implementation basically manages a set of color lookup tables for
different outputs and for different window regions. These are taken via
D-Bus. Each lookup table has around 700 KB.
This commit reintroduces the changes from the former merge with the
"color2" branch. In this form, it can be easily reverted.
REVIEW: 106141
This was originally added by d467fc1bdbcf69bd6ef213bd909633c2edfb6878,
to prevent alpha ending up to be 0 with blending disabled. Apparently,
that was a driver issue that is no longer present.
REVIEW: 107090
This merge is incomplete and it does not include the review number of
the associated review request. It should have been pushed as a single
commit, because the merged commits were not intended to be published in
their form.
This reverts commit dcba90263069a221a5489b1915c5cf1ca39d090c, reversing
changes made to 50ae07525c7fde07794e7548c3d6e5a69cb1a89d.
A decoration can provide the AbilityAnnounceAlphaChannel in addition to
AbilityUsesAlphaChannel. If this ability is provided the decoration can
enable/disable the use of the alpha channel through setAlphaEnabled().
The base idea behind this mechanism is to be able to tell the compositor
that currently alpha is not needed. An example is the maximized state in
which the decoration is fully opaque so that there is no need to use the
translucency code path which would render all windows behind the deco.
In addition also the blur effect honors this setting so that behind a
known opaque decoration no blurring is performed.
Oxygen is adjusted to disable translucency in maximized state and Aurorae
is adjusted to allow themes to enable/disable translucency. For Plastik
translucency and with that also blurring is disabled.
REVIEW: 106810
Adjustment to reality. KWin has had a dependency on Mesa 8.0 for quite
some time given that it is what basically all distributions ship.
It is better to clearly state what is required. For KWin Mesa 8.0 is a
more reliable dependency as all DRI drivers which do not support DRI2
have been removed.
Packagers have been informed about this intended change some weeks ago.
REVIEW: 106799
During detecting the OpenGL capabilities also a recommended compositor
can be set. This recommendation is honoured by the OpenGL based
compositors. That is the SceneOpenGL2 requires a recommendation for at
least OpenGL2 and the SceneOpenGL1 requires at least a recommendation for
OpenGL1. If the driver recommends XRender compositing the SceneOpenGL
performs the existing fallback to XRender.
With this recommendation the hacks in the Scene are removed, e.g. it is
no longer checked whether the driver is software emulation as that is
provided through the recommendation.
To overrule the recommendation the environment variable KWIN_COMPOSE is
extended by the values O1 and O2 to enforce either OpenGL 1 or OpenGL 2.
This overwrites all other checks. As a side-effect this allows now to run
KWin on the llvmpipe:
But not that I would recommend to use it :-)
REVIEW: 106741
If the build option is enabled KWIN_HAVE_OPENGL_1 is passed as a compile
flag when build against OpenGL.
This compile flag is meant to replace the KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES. So far code
has been ifdefed for special behavior of OpenGL ES 2.0 and to remove
fixed functionality calls which are not available in OpenGL ES 2.0.
With this build flag the fixed functionality calls which are only used in
the OpenGL1 Compositor can be removed and keeping the KWIN_HAVE_OPENGLES
for the real differences between OpenGL 2.x and OpenGL ES 2.0.
E.g. a call like glColor4f should be in an
glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
while a call like glPolygonMode should be in an
Building for OpenGL ES 2.0 of course implies that KWIN_HAVE_OPENGL_1 is
not defined.
The only task of the PaintRedirector is to redirect the painting of the
window decorations into Pixmaps. So it should actually do this by also
handling the four pixmaps for the decoration. This simplifies the code
as all the logic concerning redirecting the painting is now grouped
Furthermore the PaintRedirector is now a child of the decoration widget,
which means it gets automatically destroyed whenever the decoration is
destroyed - the Client does not have to care about it.
Also the PaintRedirector gets only created if the Compositor is active as
it is not needed in the non-compositing case.
REVIEW: 106620
The Egl backend is decoupled from the OpenGL ES build option which makes
it possible to use it as a replacement for glx.
To make this possible a new build flag is added when egl is available at
compile time and any egl specific code is now ifdefed with this flag
instead of the gles flag. In addition at runtime a windowing system enum
value is passed to the various detect methods to have egl/glx specific
detection for e.g. function pointer resolving.
By default egl is used if compiled with OpenGL ES, otherwise glx is used.
But in the non-gles case the windowing system can be selected through the
new environment variable KWIN_OPENGL_INTERFACE. Setting this variable to
"egl" the EglOnXBackend is used.
REVIEW: 106632
The ShaderBinder class can be used for the case that a block of code
should be executed with a given Shader being bound. This is useful for
all the cases where there is a if-block for OpenGL2 execution with a
Shader being pushed in the first line to the ShaderManager and popped in
the last line of the block. With the helper this can be simplified to:
ShaderBinder binder(myCustomShader);
ShaderBinder binder(ShaderManager::GenericShader);
The ctor of ShaderBinder pushes the given Shader to the stack and once
the helper goes out of scope it will be popped again from the stack.
In addition the helper can take care of OpenGL 1 compositing, that is it
just does nothing. So it can also be used where there is a shared OpenGL1
and OpenGL2 code path where the Shader should only be pushed in OpenGL2.
This basically removes all the checks for the compositing type before
pushing/popping a Shader to the stack.
REVIEW: 106521
Results in cleaner changes.
Put all the color correction stuff from SceneOpenGL in SceneOpenGL2.
SceneOpenGL turns into an abstract class with two concrete subclasses:
* SceneOpenGL1
* SceneOpenGL2
It provides a factory method which first creates either the GLX or EGL
backend which is passed to a static supported() method in the concrete
sub classes. These method can test whether the backend is sufficient to
be used for the OpenGL version in question. E.g. the OpenGL 2 scene
checks whether the context is direct.
The actual rendering is moved into the subclasses with specific OpenGL 1
and OpenGL 2 code. This should make the code more readable and requires
less checks whether a Shader is bound. This is now known through the
Scene: the OpenGL1 scene will never have a shader bound, the OpenGL2 scene
will always have a shader bound.
To make this more reliable the ShaderManager is extended by a disable
method used by SceneOpenGL1 to ensure that the ShaderManager will never
be used. This also obsoletes the need to read the KWin configuration
whether legacy GL is enabled. The check is moved into the supported
method of the OpenGL2 scene.
REVIEW: 106357
The code was basically copy'n'pasted to handle both Client and Deleted
requiring to cast the Toplevel to both Client and Deleted to test whether
it is one of those.
This is now changed from runtime to compile time polymorphism. A
templated method is used to start the rendering process for the decos.
This on the one hand simplifies the code and on the other does not
require any dynamic casts any more as we use the available check on
Toplevel whether it is a Client or Deleted.
The Window implementation performed many checks whether the rendering
uses the OpenGL 1 or OpenGL 2 code path and there were quite a few
cludges around to make this work.
So instead of many if-else blocks the specific code has now been moved
into a specific sub class and calls to pure virtual method in the base
class are used to trigger this behavior. Although that adds some overhead
in a rather hot code path it should be better than the many chained
method calls used before to handle OpenGL 1 and 2.
It also makes the code a little bit more readable as all the complete
OpenGL 1 implementation is now in one block ifdefed for OpenGL ES.
The handling for creating and managing the OpenGL context is
split out of the SceneOpenGL into the abstract OpenGLBackend
and it's two subclasses GlxBackend and EglOnXBackend.
The backends take care of creating the OpenGL context on the
windowing system, e.g. on glx an OpenGL context on the overlay
window is created and in the egl case an EGL context is created.
This means that the SceneOpenGL itself does not have to care
about the specific underlying infrastructure.
Furthermore the backend provides the Textures for the specific
texture from pixmap operations. For that in each of the backend
files an additional subclass of the TexturePrivate is defined.
These subclasses hold the EglImage and GLXPixmap respectively.
The backend is able to create such a private texture and for
that the ctor of the Texture is changed to take the backend as
a parameter and the Scene provides a factory method for
creating Textures. To make this work inside Window the Textures
are now hold as pointers which seems a better choice anyway as
to the member functions pointers are passed.
The Scene has always been created and destroyed inside what is
now the split out compositor. Which means it is actually owned
by the Compositor. The static pointer has never been needed
inside KWin core. Access to the Scene is not required for the
Window Manager. The only real usage is in the EffectsHandlerImpl
and in utils.h to provide a convenient way to figure out whether
compositing is currently active (scene != NULL).
The EffectsHandlerImpl gets also created by the Compositor after
the Scene is created and gets deleted just before the Scene gets
deleted. This allows to inject the Scene into the EffectsHandlerImpl
to resolve the static access in this class.
The convenient way to access the compositing() in utils.h had
to go. To provide the same feature the Compositor provides a
hasScene() access which has the same behavior as the old method.
In order to keep the code changes small in Workspace and Toplevel
a new method compositing() is defined which properly resolves
the state. A disadvantage is that this can no longer be inlined
and consists of several method calls and pointer checks.
The implementation consists of a class in libkwineffects.
There are some slight modifications in the compositor. Regions for
different outputs are drawn at different times.
Currently only per output color correction is implemented. However, the
grounds are prepared for implementing per window color correction
The ColorCorrection class needs to communicate via D-Bus with a KDED
module, KolorServer, which is a part of KolorManager.
The only visible part for the user consists of a check box in the
advanced tab for the compositing KCM.
The actual correction is done by injecting a piece of code in the
fragment shader, code that does a 3D lookup into a special color lookup
texture. The data for these textures is obtained from KolorServer. All
D-Bus calls are async.
The public member variables for opacity, saturation and brightness
are removed in favor for getter and setters. The variables are
moved into a private class. Those are now qreal instead of double.
To make usage inside the effects easier a multiply method is added
which multiplies the current value with passed in factor and returns
the new value in a functional programming style.
This commit is the top-most of a patch series to refactor
ScreenPaintData and WindowPaintData. Other related commits are:
* 0811772
* ebdc7ec
* 2c8dd8d
* 7699726
* 68e0201
* 611cb09
REVIEW: 105141
BUG: 303314
FIXED-IN: 4.10
No effect has ever made use of contents opacity. Which means it
is not needed. Removing means faster effects as we used to
multiply the value (always 1.0) with the opacity in each frame
for each window.