Used to be the QQuickView implementation for the tabbox. As it's now
controlled through opening windows from QML directly it's no longer
needed or used anywhere.
No longer needed in a Plasma2 world as the components have a thumbnail
component, so the hack to go over KWin to render the thumbnails is no
longer needed.
Approved by Aaron on mailinglist:
By not using a QQuickView it becomes possible to just use a
PlasmaCore.Dialog or a Quick.Window in the TabBox qml and thus it's
possible to simplify the qml code.
To support this a new SwitcherItem is introduced and exported to QML.
It's a simple QObject providing all the properties which used to be
exported to the root context. A declarative TabBox is expected to
use one of these items. The C++ side finds the Switcher and for that
supports the case that the SwitcherItem is the rootItem or a child
A declarative TabBox has also to create a QQuickWindow, e.g. a
PlasmaCore.Dialog. The visibility of that window should be controlled
through the visible property on the SwitcherItem. The underlying C++
implementation assumes that a TabBox only uses one window (it needs to
get destroyed once it's hidden and included in highlight windows).
Thanks to this change it's no longer needed to reload the TabBox
whenever it gets shown or the alternative TabBox gets shown. Instead
the same QML script can get reused. Other created switchers are ignored
as the visible property won't be changed to true.
The modalActionSwitch was used to disable all of KWin's actions during
Alt+Tab. This is not needed as Alt+Tab uses a keyboard grab and thus
no action will be triggered anyway.
Furthermore the functionality had been broken for years. The effects
use an own KActionCollection so their actions aren't considered and
neither the scripts.
Client used to have dedicated methods for different icon sizes instead
of combining all pixmaps into one QIcon. This resulted in various parts
of KWin having different access to the icons:
* effects only got one pixmap of size 32x32
* decorations only got the 16x16 and 32x32 pixmaps combined into a QIcon
* tabbox could request all icon sizes, but only as pixmap
Now all sizes are available in one QIcon allowing to easily access the
best fitting icon in a given UI.
It's basically a run of the script in here, mostly the changes
are the following:
- Using KF5::* targets
- Using the proper macros, following recent developments in frameworks
Not the best solution, but at least TabBox works each time it's invoked.
It doesn't make much of a difference as the QML is reparsed anyway at
each show.
Our back shortcut is registered as Alt+Shift+Backtab but our converted
Qt key coming into the test method is Alt+Shift+Tab. The logic so far
made this always fire for the normal Alt+Tab shortcut as at some point
the Shift modifier gets removed to do the test.
To handle it properly we first have to extract all the modifiers to just
get the key. If the key is Tab, we replace it with Backtab, combine it
with the extracted mods so it will be Alt+Shift+Backtab which matches
the registered shortcut.
The existing backtab solution can probably be removed and is clearly
wrong as it uses the keys as flags which they aren't.
There used to be an own action collection in KDE 3 times for the
block global shortcuts shortcut. But the code ws disabled and by
that I didn't see it during removing the global shortcuts blocking.
And it explains why the global shortcut blocking didn't work.
All the globalShortcutChanged slots are removed and replaced by a
generic one for the new signal by KGlobalAccel.
The define for creating the shortcut is dropped and replaced by a
templated function creating connections through the new connect
Straight forward port. Note: this is currently crashing deep down in
QtQuick. To circumvent the crashes it helps to disable the property
highlightFollowsCurrentItem in the listviews. This solves the problem
that QtQuick crashes on first loading. Unfortunately it still crashes
if one tries to invoke TabBox for the second time.
AbstractThumbnailItem inherits from QQuickPaintedItem using QPainter to
do the fallback painting of icons.
The scene is adjusted to get the information from QQuickItem instead of
QDeclarativeItem. Clipping got a little bit more complex as the clip
path does not exist any more. To get it right the ThumbnailItem needs to
specify the parent it wants to be clipped to with the clipTo property.
clipTo: listView
The scene uses this clipTo parent item to correctly calculate the clip
region. Also the ThumbnailItem needs to have clipping enabled.
Note: this commit currently breaks TabBox as the qml and view are not
yet adjusted. In scripting the export of the item is disabled, but any
qml script using a ThumbnailItem would obviously also fail.
This happens because some distros ship broken installations
of KWin and KWinActive, but could also appear to QML hacking users
BUG: 322830
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 111732
Not sure why kdeclarative gets its own subdir, nor why
there is no CMake module to to add it to the include dirs
on find_package, but this matches what plasma-framework
does at the moment.
Button Press/Release do no longer fall through to motion notify as
there is no shared mouse event in xcb. Also the methods in Effects and
TabBox are adjusted to process only button press/release or motion
ScreenEdges are no longer checked for button press/release. They don't
interact on button press/release so there is no need to check it.
* "" needs to be wrapped in QStringLiteral
* QString::fromUtf8 needed for const char* and QByteArray
* QByteArray::constData() needed to get to the const char*
Let KDeclarative::setupBindings() add the import paths: it too takes
paths from KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("module", "imports"); it adds paths
in the correct (reverse) order [1].
[1] See kdelibs 400b9f2e9d10386bb175b6123fe0cdaafeaffe61 for further
REVIEW: 110670
It's only used from useractions.cpp which means that it's not the best
fit in utils. We can see the problems with it given that it was in an
ifdef and it included quite some headers into everything.
REVIEW: 110189
The existing desktop switcher becomes the first available layout called
"informative". For both variants of desktop switchers a new config key is
introduced to define the desktop switcher layout.
Desktop layouts are installed into a different directory than window
switcher layout and use a different service type.
For the moment it's basically a hidden config option as there are no
further layouts yet.
BUG: 296068
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 110021
It's an option doing pretty much the same as the highlight of selected
window option. But it is known to conflict especially with some Plasma
BUG: 310935
FIXED-IN: 4.11
REVIEW: 110140
Following the approaches of other split out functionality Screens is a
singleton class created by Workspace.
The class takes over the responsibility for:
* screenChanged signal delayed by timer
* number of screens
* geometry of given screen
* active screen
* config option for active screen follows mouse
The class contains a small abstraction layer and has a concrete subclass
wrapping around QDesktopWidget, but the idea is to go more low level and
interact with XRandR directly to get more detailed information.
All over KWin the usage from QDesktopWidget is ported over to the new
Screens class.
REVIEW: 109839
There is only one instance hold by Workspace which means it should follow
the common approach with ::self and ::create.
The hasTabBox is completely removed as it's rather useless and the same
as the ifdef around the usages any way.
REVIEW: 109851
All activities related code moves into new singleton class Activities.
This class gets only included into the build if the build option is
enabled which means there are less ifdefs all over the code and it also
handles better the moc doesn't like ifdef case.
The class holds the list of open and all activites, the current and the
previous activity and the KActivities::Controller. It also emits the
signals for any activities related changes.
Workspace still contains some activities related code. That is the
adjustment on change of current activity. Nevertheless the code looks
much cleaner now and does not contain the confusing naming conflict with
takeActivity() which existed before.
In all the places where Activities got used the code got adjusted and
quite often the ifdef got added with a fallback for the disabled case.
Many headers included KLocale to use i18n and co. But those methods are
defined in KLocalizedString and not in KLocale.
With KF5 klocale.h does no longer include KLocalizedString causing lots
of compile errors.