First try to locate all look-and-feel packages and check whether
they provide a WindowSwitcher. If they do they are inserted in
the list with the Package name being the user visible name.
So the good old sidebar is now called "Breeze".
REVIEW: 120914
Following features are supported:
* finds all plugins
** finds all themes for a theme-engine plugin
* renders previews for the plugin/themes
* loads currently used plugin/theme
* saves selected plugin/theme
* triggers config reload in KWin
Following features are currently not supported:
* Search
* Plugin configuration
* Button configuration
Currently just opening the Desktop Effects KCM loads QtMultimedia which
in turn loads gstreamer 0.10. If one opens any other KCM in
systemsettings and changes without applying the change, the window
freezes when the warning dialog gets shown, because the warning message
pulls in Phonon with maybe the Gstreamer backend which uses
gstreamer 1.0. This is bad, bad and breaks everything.
By using a Loader the problem scope gets reduced. It still happens but
only if one actually watches a video. Only opening the KCM doesn't
trigger the problem any more.
REVIEW: 120842
NativeText is translated (ie. matching
ctrl against eg. strg) and the shortcut
must be added to KGlobalAccel to feed
further extrapolations
BUG: 338579
REVIEW: 119949
As we have the split between Effects and Compositor settings nowadays
it's incorrect to have an Compositor related option exposed in the
Effects settings view. Thus the OpenGLErrorView should be removed. As
a nice side-effect that simplifies the main qml file quite a bit by
turning the EffectView from Item into Rectangle.
If it shows that we need the reset GL check in the effects view it would
be better to use a KMessageWidget like in the compositing view.
BUG: 336342
REVIEW: 118790
Introduces partially checked checkboxes for Effects. If an Effect
has an enabled by default function and doesn't have an explicit
value in the config file the checkbox is set to partially. If there
is a value in the config, this will be used.
Clicking on Default will return to the partially checked state.
So far only the built-in effects support the partially checked state
and also the mutual exclusive groups do not support the partial checked
(main reason: RadioButton doesn't support it)
BUG: 336045
REVIEW: 118658
The idea is to warn the user that changing the settings might break
the setup when we know it could be dangerous. The following cases are
* Scale filter Accurate
* Tearing prevention
* keep window thumbnail always
* EGL if EGL and GLX are available
* unredirect fullscreen not working on all hardware
In addition the OpenGL is Unsafe warning is turned int a KMessageWidget
which is also used for all the other warnings.
REVIEW: 118494
Qml based Aurorae themes can provided a ui file which gets loaded at
runtime. Obviously such a ui file is not translated. This introduces
quite a hack to load the translated strings.
First of all a new property is added to the service file for
specifying the translation domain to be used for the config UI. If
such a translation domain is set we extract all string properties of
the loaded UI and pass them through ki18nd.
This patch applies a common language and type-setting to the
systemsettings modules in kwin.
- The comment field might repeat the name, or give more detail about the
specific settings on this page, this makes sense with how
systemsettings and kcmshell present it
- Mentioning the words settings, configure, options, etc. is avoided --
it is clear from the context that these are settings and options.
- Title-case throughout in line with human interface guidelines, see
- The comment ends up being the title, so the
- tech slang is avoided as much as possible, but left in where really
- I've left the Name field "mostly untouched", as that one is key for
the user to find the right module in systemsettings' icon view and in
the sidebars
The most prominent change is "Compositor" to "Graphics Compositor" (in
the Title field). This is more like a "suggestion", if you don't like
it, I'll take it out again. Reasoning: "Compositor" is a very technical
term, people who know graphics might recognize it. Others might not
understand that "composite" is about graphics -- hence the
specialization. Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
For a classic user interface like the advanced compositor settings the
good old widgets are still better suited than the new QuickControls.
REVIEW: 118273
We need kdeclarative for i18n support. This needs to be done before we
load the source. By that we don't need to import Plasma.Core which isn't
used by the views at all.
Also we don't need to link twice against declarative.
This ensures that we can tab to the UI written in QtQuick. Unfortunately
it doesn't get initial focus, which seems to be a general problem of
KCMShell (QWidget based KCMs also do not get focus) and it's not possible
to tab out of quick ui again.
BUG: 335195
Spacing needs to be specified on the ListView instead in the delegate.
This fixes incorrect vertical alignment of the buttons in each row.
In addition a proper background is set on the ScrollView.
CCBUG: 334372
REVIEW: 118260
This removes all the hacks to add kwin4_effect_ to the name of the Effect
and adjusts the desktop files of the effect configuration's parent
Note: the scripted effects still start with kwin4_effect_ prefix.
REVIEW: 117367
Instead of using the KServiceTypeTrader we use the BuiltInEffects to get
the name of CoverSwitch and FlipSwitch.
Showing the configuration dialog is migrated to KPluginTrader which fixes
the showing of the dialog.
The desktops KCM allows selecting between the virtual desktop switching
effects. For those it offers configuring and showing the information.
The KServiceTypeTrader based search is adjusted to be only used for the
scripted effects. The built-in effects are queried through the
information available through the BuiltInEffects namespace.
The EffectData in BuiltinEffects is extended by all the data needed for
the desktop effects KCM:
* display name
* comment
* category
* video-url
* exclusive group
* internal
This information is taken directly from the desktop files.
The Built-in effects are now also resolved through the BuiltInEffects
namespace and the KServiceTypeTrader query is adjusted to only find the
scripted effects.
Unfortunately this introduces another round of adding "kwin4_effect_" to
load and save the effects correctly. This will be removed once all KCMs
are adjusted to use the new BuiltInEffects.
* Ported last qt4_wrap thingy to qt5_wrap thingy
* Include KF5Init (needed for kdeinit_executable
* Optionally include KF5DocTools and bind the docs subdirectory to it
* Include GenerateExportHeaders
The category gets read from the KService and is not translated.
Because of that the KCM needs to do the translation of the categories.
This was also the case in the old KCM.
REVIEW: 117111
Both KCMs had a hard coded default which is obviously bad. Instead we
now calculate a useable implicitWidth and implicitHeight and use this
as the minimum size for the KCM. Which means we need also track changes
to these two root object properties and update the QWidget container
BUG: 332518
BUG: 332519
REVIEW: 117079
We check whether the effect is scripted and provides a config. If that
is the case our normal approach for getting the config plugin fails and
we use this case to try to load it again through the generic scripted
config plugin.
REVIEW: 116863
BUG: 332186
The model data contains a new role ConfigurableRole. This is used to
decide whether the configure button is available.
The value for the role is set by searching for a KPlugin which has the
effect's service name as X-KDE-ParentComponents. All available configs
are expected to be in kf5/kwin/effects/configs/ and are located through
the KPluginTrader thus binary effect configs need to provide json meta
REVIEW: 116855
Sort by:
* category
** exclusive group
*** name
Thus we have an alphabetic order of all categories, in the categories
we have again an alphabetic order of all effects in the same group and
the effects in one group are listed at the bottom of the category.
REVIEW: 116753
The new X-KWin-Exclusive-Category property is read from the service
and provided to QML through the ExclusiveRole. If an effect has such
a role the CheckBox is replaced by a RadioButton. The radio buttons of
an exclusive group take care that only one effect of the group can be
enabled. In addition the radio button acts like a check box. If one
clicks the checked radio button it gets unchecked.
At the same time this change removes the hard coded functionality for
the exclusive group of desktop switching effects. It's all handled
dynamically by creating the ExclusiveGroup when needed. For each
category there can be one ExclusiveGroup.
REVIEW: 116711
For each effect added to the list the KWin DBus interface is queried
for whether the effect is supported.
By default all effects are set to supported, thus if the DBus service
is not around (e.g. compositing disabled) it is assumed that all effects
are supported. In fact it's not possible to figure it out at all.
REVIEW: 116667
Using spacing around the header and no hardcoded color by using
KColorscheme to get the base color and use the same alpha modulation
as KCategoryDrawer.
REVIEW: 116703
* use frame in the scroll area
* remove needless anchoring for an Effect
* use one RowLayout for one Effect row
* add a left and right padding using the normal spacing
* Use a ColumnLayout for the center element consisting of
** name
** description
** (info)
** (video)
* Video moved into an own component
* Animations removed
REVIEW: 116693
Let's try getting the KCM a little bit less scary by properly
hiding everything the user doesn't have to care about. The prominent
desktop effects KCM only contains the list of all the effects which
can be configured and nothing else. Only exception is the disabled
check after failed GL to make this easier for the user.
All the "advanced" settings are moved into a new KCM called
"Compositing" which is put under the hardware component in
systemsettings. This contains all advanced settings including
* whether compositing is enabled at all
* backend
* animation speeed
* scale filter
* unredirect fullscreen
* color correction
REVIEW: 116648
A video button is shown if the model provides an url for a video.
If the button is pressed the video element is added in a similar way
to the aboutInfo and starts the video directly. Once the playback
stopped a play again button is shown.
If one clicks the video button again, the video gets hidden.
Room for improvement:
* add a button to open in external player
* ensure video is centered correctly in the list view
Methods added to the Model to map from row index to the backend
identifier and vice versa. That way the Compositing object can do
all the saving and loading.
* all properties extended to be writable and emit change signals
* contains load from and save to config functionality
* Compositing object in qml view is connected to the values of the
components. So changes are directly mapped from UI to business logic
We have an Apply and OK button in the KCModule, so we don't need one
in the view. A change signal is introduced and passed from the individual
items upwards, so that we can connect to it from the C++ side.